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My writing focuses on the wonder, beauty and mystery of the great outdoors. I have been published in a wide variety of outdoor and photographic magazines here in the UK, and also internationally.

While most of my published features are stories depicting journeys I’ve undertaken, I have also written numerous gear reviews, skills articles, opinion columns, mapped walks, and much more.

Way out in front in the travel category…
Judges for the 2019 OWPG Awards, referring to my award-winning feature ‘Summits and Skylarks’

Sample features

A few sample features can be downloaded in full below.

‘Back to Basics’, The Great Outdoors, June 2020Download PDF
‘A Cairngorms Learning Curve’, On Landscape, August 2020Download PDF
‘The End of Winter’, The Great Outdoors, May 2019Download PDF

Feature archive

Below is a gallery of features from the last 12 months. If the feature exists online, clicking the thumbnail will take you to the page. Looking for older features? They’re here.
