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Winter Colour: an OWPG highly commended photo set

I've been a member of the Outdoor Writers and Photographers Guild since 2019, and every year I enter magazine and web articles, books, and images into the annual awards. I have won on two prior occasions, for a magazine feature and for this website. This year, to my

Winter Colour: an OWPG highly commended photo set
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First steps in medium-format film photography

For me, creativity has never been about the final result, and that's certainly true of photography. There's so much more to enjoy, to learn, to engage with. As someone who finds modern digital photography soulless, who has spent a decade learning how to shoot 35mm film,

First steps in medium-format film photography
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Postcards from Morocco

In late June, I began the long journey from Scotland to Morocco. The goal: to hike the Toubkal Circuit, climb Toubkal itself, and then have further adventures amongst the 4,000m peaks of the Toubkal National Park. This trip was planned and organised by my friend Emily Woodhouse, who is

Postcards from Morocco
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Seek the mayglow while you can, for it is fleeting

May has long been one of my favourite months of the year, but it's not all about Scottish Alpine spring, as you might expect from a mountaineer based in Scotland. One of the things I have learnt about myself is that I need more from nature than mountains.

Seek the mayglow while you can, for it is fleeting
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Perthshire, March, Kodak cine film

I've just finished a batch of scanning, so thought I'd pop up a photo post to follow up from this entry a couple of weeks back. In that post I spoke a bit about my approach to photo note-taking. I also shared some iPhone pictures. Today

Perthshire, March, Kodak cine film
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Some phone pictures from a sunny hill weekend (and a few thoughts on photo note-taking)

And now for something completely different. If you want to understand my approach to photos as a working outdoor writer then 35mm film (which I gush about on this blog all the time) is only a third of the story. Another third is my full-frame digital camera – no surprises there.

Some phone pictures from a sunny hill weekend (and a few thoughts on photo note-taking)
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The magic of cine film

Sometimes, when the light is right, Kodak Vision3 250D can almost look like slide film. There's something magical about the way all film – real, tangible images that exist in physical space – captures the warmth of winter light, but I think Vision3 has something extra that bridges the divide

The magic of cine film
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My top images of 2023 – and a year with the Leica M3

It's been a great year for my photography. A renaissance year, perhaps. Regular readers will be aware that I have been an on-and-off analogue photographer for about a decade now, and that my return to film helped rejuvenate my interest in photography as a whole. But 2023 has

My top images of 2023 – and a year with the Leica M3
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My first two rolls of Kodak Vision3 250D

I've been trying a new film stock.

My first two rolls of Kodak Vision3 250D
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Home scanning 35mm film, the quest for cheaper analogue photography, and bringing the past back to life

Getting into the details of my own analogue revival.

Home scanning 35mm film, the quest for cheaper analogue photography, and bringing the past back to life
