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Pinnacle Editorial

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Sidetracked Volume Four is here

A few months ago, an exciting opportunity arose. I was invited to do a little freelance editorial work for Sidetracked – an adventure travel magazine with a focus on exploration and wild places. The stories are told through a blend of excellent writing and stunning photography. It’s just the kind

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How’s the new job going, Alex?

I have been asked this a few times over the last month, so I thought it was time for an official update on my progress. In early July I made a significant decision. Prompted by a trip to the Alps that changed my perspective on a few things, I decided

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Introducing Pinnacle Editorial

In my last post I revealed that I had quit my day job and would be setting up as an independent editor and proofreader. I’m happy to say that, a mere three days later, I have a fully functioning website and am in the position to begin taking on
