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Blog Spotlight: The Mountain’s Silhouette

Alex Roddie
Alex Roddie
1 min read
Image from
(Backpacking and Outdoors)
Run by Nick Brahmhall

This series of articles showcases blogs of merit and interest, usually (but not exclusively!) connected with the topics of mountaineering, Scotland, writing, and history.

Scottish mountaineering blogs come in all shapes and sizes – some dedicated to clinical descriptions of routes and grades, others dedicated to photography, plenty run by professional instructors. However, only a handful are good enough to make readers come back again and again in anticipation of the next post. Nick Brahmhall’s excellent blog is one of them.I first came across TMS about three years ago. Unlike some blogs which publish several relatively lightweight posts a week, Nick’s articles tend to be meaty and detailed, peppered with high quality photographs. As a backpacker his posts tend to focus on long mountain journeys in the Highlands, often featuring wild camping, and the style of his trip reports makes great reading. He often adds useful details such as route length and time, plus a link to a map of the journey.Some posts I enjoyed:Travels in the Ben Alder area – Part 1Through the Great Wilderness

Gleouraich and Spidean Mialach

The Stuic Buttress and Lochnagar

NotesBlog spotlight

Alex Roddie

Happiest on a mountain. Writer, story-wrangler, digital and film photographer. Editor of Sidetracked magazine. Machine breaker.


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