Christmas paperback stock update

It’s that time of year again! Paperback copies of my novels have been flying off the virtual shelves over the last couple of weeks, and I have received several queries about stock levels, so I thought I’d make an official update.
As of this morning, The Atholl Expedition is sold out on Amazon UK, and there is only one copy of The Only Genuine Jones left in stock.
My own personal stocks are also running very low. I have one signed copy of The Atholl Expedition available, and The Only Genuine Jones is sold out.
Other sources for my books
All is not lost — you can still order my books from Waterstones, direct from the printing firm, or (at a significant price premium) even from Ebay. Please note that most of these sources specify a longer delivery time, so you should order immediately to be sure of getting your copy before Christmas.
For full listings of sources for my books, including the eBook versions which are always available, see the book pages on my website:
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