New podcast available on the Outdoors Station

This week, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Bob at the Outdoors Station – the UK’s longest-running (and award-winning) outdoor podcast.
Due to the fact that I’ve only discovered the delights of podcasts in the last year or so, the Outdoor Station didn’t cross my radar until the recent Chris Townsend interviews1. But I’m delighted to have found it. The Outdoors Station began as a podcast dedicated to lightweight backpacking – a subject close to my heart – and has diversified since. Bob is an experienced backpacker, having completed the Cape Wrath Trail, TGO Challenge, and many other routes. You may also know Bob from, one of the UK’s best online stores for lightweight backpacking equipment..
You can listen to Part One of our very interesting chat here. It’s free to download or listen to online. You can also subscribe to the podcast in iTunes here.
In the interview, Bob and I talk about my winding path to lightweight backpacking via Glen Coe, alpinism, winter climbing and a move to Lincolnshire. There’s also plenty of chat about my writing and the world of outdoor writing in general, plus what to do if you get stuck in Glasgow Central station late at night without a functioning mobile phone…
Many thanks to the Outdoors Station, and I hope my readers enjoy the podcast. I’ll let you know when Part Two is live.
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