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Illustrations from after the Alpine golden age

Today I’d like to share some beautiful illustrations with you. One of my most prized books is the Badminton Book of Mountaineering, a massive tome of 19th century climbing lore compiled by C.T. Dent and published in 1892. It features contributions from the greatest climbers of the post-golden

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The Atholl Expedition – introducing illustrations by Catherine Speakman

I drew my own illustrations for The Only Genuine Jones, but The Atholl Expedition is an entirely different project and I had a very specific look in mind for the artwork. Classic Alpine mountaineering books like Scrambles Amongst the Alps and The Playground of Europe are brought to life by

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An interview with Jamie Hageman, mountain and landscape artist

This is part of a series of interviews with authors, photographers, film-makers, and other creative people who all have one thing in common: a connection with mountaineering culture. Today I would like to welcome mountain artist Jamie Hageman to my blog. His extraordinary paintings are regularly exhibited, and thanks to

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The writer’s relationship with landscape

A page from my “crag book” Like many writers, my work is inspired by one thing above all else: landscape and its human context. My work is historical fiction first of all, but it’s also adventure writing about mountains and mountaineers. These adventurous activities would not exist without the

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A few more illustrations

Today I’ve been busy doing some more original drawings for the paperback edition of The Only Genuine Jones. It’s a time-consuming job but luckily it’s something I love doing. Although my drawing skills can’t match those of Whymper, I have tried to emulate his style. Whymper’

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Illustrating the paperback edition

I am currently in the process of converting The Only Genuine Jones into a real paperback book through FeedARead. The company, which is a print-on-demand publisher, allows authors a huge amount of freedom when it comes to designing their books; in fact, you have the option of doing absolutely everything

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The writer’s notebook(s)

Notebooks are about feel, mood, and introspection–not utility. Before I begin this post celebrating notebooks, I have a confession to make: I hardly ever use them. I write historical fiction set in the 19th century and love the aesthetics of that era, but am also a self-confessed computer geek.

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I have a cover design!

Ta-da! Thanks to the swift and very talented work of John Amy, I have a cover design I’m happy with! Creating a cover for The Only Genuine Jones wasn’t an easy order. The design has to convey genre and tone instantly, even at thumbnail size. It has to

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The first step

My mission to publish my novel as an eBook has started with a simple step–read as much as I can on the subject! To that end I have started to read “Let’s Get Digital” by David Gaughran. So far I’m part of the way through the section

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Something a little different

Over the years, I have found that my appreciation for mountains is best expressed in three different ways: literature, music, and art. Literature is obvious enough (it’s the reason this blog exists, after all); for music, I find references in dozens of classical symphonies to the wonders of nature,
