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Crowley's Rival

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Recent reviews for “Crowley’s Rival”

Crowley’s Rival is a piece I’m proud of. While it doesn’t approach the length or complexity of The Only Genuine Jones, and only touches on the more profound issues I have explored in my full-length novel, I feel it showcases some of my best writing in a

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“Crowley’s Rival” is free on Kindle until Thursday

To coincide with the launch of The Only Genuine Jones in paperback form, I have put its prequel, Crowley’s Rival, on free promotion until Thursday. It’s a short novella aimed at fans of historical fiction and adventure writing. You can download your copy here. I am also looking

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All is ready for the book launch

In four days I will be travelling up to Scotland to host my very first book launch party! The event is taking place at the Clachaig Inn, Glencoe, on Wednesday the 27th at 9pm. As you can see in the picture I have been busy doing a bit of admin

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The first ever paperback copy of my first novel is here

The very first paperback copy of OGJ Well, today is proving to be a rollercoaster of a day! Crowley’s Rival has already been downloaded over a hundred times, partly because it was actually on the Kindle store yesterday, priced at free to enable a few of my most valued

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Crowley’s Rival is now available on Amazon Kindle

It is my pleasure to announce that my new short story (novella?), Crowley’s Rival, is now live on the Kindle store. You can download it here for 79p. The book is 10,000 words in length so considerably shorter than The Only Genuine Jones. Nevertheless, it’s essential reading

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Looking back on 2012 from an author’s perspective

I know we’re not quite at the end of the year yet, but the next two weeks are going to be very busy so I thought I would write a reflective post while I have the chance! I will also take this opportunity to bring readers up to speed

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Crowley’s Rival will be available from the 19th of December

Crowley’s Rival, my new short story (or novella, depending on your definition), will be released as a Kindle exclusive on the 19th of December. That’s one week away! This story is aimed at fans of The Only Genuine Jones, although it also works as a standalone piece and

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New Crowley/Jones story in progress

Wasdale Head: birthplace of English climbing. The Only Genuine Jones is, in part, the story of a climbing rivalry between two prodigious talents of the mid 1890s: Aleister Crowley and O.G. Jones. For my story I took the facts of the case (presented by numerous biographies and works of