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The Fujinon XF35mm f/2 review

The Fujinon XF35mm f/2 is a fast normal prime lens for Fujifilm X-Series cameras. I’ve been using it for the last three months, and it has quickly established itself as my favourite lens. Here is my review. I’ve been a Fuji user for over a year now,

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Further thoughts on iPad photography workflows

My recent article on iPad mobile photo editing with Lightroom has proven popular. Here are some further thoughts on advanced photo editing on iOS, and a couple of infuriating bugs I’ve discovered. Progress with Lightroom Mobile First, an update on Lightroom. I have been in talks with the support

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iPad mobile photography workflows in 2016

Ever since the iPad was first introduced, I’ve been trying to make it work as a viable portable computer. Photography remains a real weak point of iOS, and although iOS 10 takes a big leap forward in closing that gap, it still isn’t quite there. First, let me

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The Fujifilm X-E1 review

Although this camera is now considered obsolete, it’s only after a year of intensive use that I feel qualified to review it. Is the X-E1 competitive today? Almost certainly not. But is it a classic? My photographic background When I started to take my mountain photography seriously in 20151,

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Photography equipment upgrades for 2016

Photography is starting to play a more important role in my work, so I’ve invested in some better camera gear and I thought it was time I wrote a little about the equipment I’ve chosen for my outdoor adventures in 2016. My path to the Fuji X system

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Birdwatching at Gibraltar Point

My brother James Roddie is down from Scotland for a few days, so we paid a visit with our dad to the local nature reserve of Gibraltar Point for an afternoon of birdwatching. You may know James as a talented nature and landscape photographer from the Black Isle near Inverness.

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How to photograph the moon

Have you ever tried to take pictures of the moon with a smartphone or compact camera and got disappointing results? Here’s how to take crisp, detailed shots of the moon. There are three reasons why smartphones and small compact cameras aren’t very good at taking moon shots. 1.

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Life on Mars

Like every good photograph, this one has a story – it’s about David Bowie, time and space, dreams, and a busker with a guitar on a cold night in Lincoln. On January the 10th this year, the legendary singer David Bowie died. While I would not describe myself as a

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The photos you’ll never look at again

Twenty-five thousand. That’s how many photos I had sitting in a folder on my hard disk. Recently I set myself the task of getting my photo collection in order, and I learned some surprising things. Back in the nineties, the bottom drawer in my bedroom was where I stored

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Photographing the ‘super blood moon’ total lunar eclipse

Last night, at just after 02.00 GMT, a rare astronomical phenomenon was visible from around the world. A ‘supermoon’ – that is, a moon that appears unusually large due to its proximity to the Earth – coincided with a total lunar eclipse. I set my alarm and took some photos of
