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What I’ve been reading this week, 29 March 2019

Alex Roddie
Alex Roddie
2 min read

Planning for the Cape Wrath Trail, overcoming inertia in adventure planning, a tale from when the Lake District was glaciated, and scams in the world of self-publishing.


Book extract: Rocks and Rain, Reason and Romance by David Howe – I have this book on my desk in front of me right now, and I’m really looking forward to reading it.

Collection Links: This Blog as a Resource – Chris Townsend has published a very handy post containing links to all his collections of outdoor resources.

How I Became an Expedition Leader with Jo Bradshaw – the latest instalment in Emily Woodhouse’s excellent series of interviews.

Cape Wrath Trail Planning #1 – Stuart Greig is one of several hikers I’m following on social media who are currently planning a Cape Wrath Trail. This is a good intro to the planning process.

I wish my life was less simple. I wish I spent more time in front of a screen. I wish I had fewer adventures. – this post by Alastair Humphreys contains some useful tips if you want to plan something big but don’t know where to start.


Widespread losses of pollinating insects revealed across Britain – when the history of our time is written, they will ask why we allowed ourselves to be so easily distracted by unimportant things at the expense of what really mattered.

The vanishing point: life on the edge of the melting world – this really interesting piece on climate change was shared by Robert Macfarlane on Twitter.

Monarch or Menace? – “Our largest living land mammal is a pawn in what has become a political, rather than ecological, dispute. How many deer there should be, where they should be and to who’s benefit, is not so much an argument over red deer, but over different visions for the future of the Highlands.”

Writing, editing and publishing

Extreme loneliness or the perfect balance? How to work from home and stay healthy – a good piece on home-working from The Guardian.

Morning rituals for the reasonably productive and moderately successful – real talk here from semi-rad.

Plagiarism, ‘book-stuffing’, clickfarms … the rotten side of self-publishing – “where there is money to be made, there are scams to be run.”


Alex Roddie

Happiest on a mountain. Writer, story-wrangler, digital and film photographer. Editor of Sidetracked magazine (I make the words come out good).


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