What I’ve been reading this week, 19 October 2019

Land of ghosts, what went wrong on the Cape Wrath Trail, tips for lightweight walking, and the most exciting mountain in Ecuador.
Land of Ghosts – ‘It’s time we reformed how land is owned and managed. It should not be up to the whim of a land owner whether he supports the creatures who live there or whether he turns the landscape into a blood soaked desert.’
Plans approved for large-scale peat extraction near Penicuik – not good news.
Long-distance hiking and the outdoors
The Cape Wrath Trail – what went wrong – a great blog post from Andy Wasley analysing his retreat from the CWT earlier this year.
Lightweight walking – tips for beginners – good practical tips here from Fiona Outdoors.
Fuya Fuya, the most exciting mountain in Ecuador – Mark Horrell gets more than he bargained for on an ascent in South America.
Rant: don’t be an ‘influencer’ – a sorry tale! Is it just confirmation bias in action, or have I begun to sense the beginnings of a backlash against influencer culture?
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