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What I’ve been reading this week, COVID-19 special

Alex Roddie
Alex Roddie
2 min read
What I’ve been reading this week, COVID-19 special

We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you a hand-picked list of links on the global COVID-19 pandemic and the outdoor community.

For this week’s regular ‘what I’ve been reading’ slot, click here.

Coronavirus: guidance and advice

A hiker’s guide to the coronavirus outbreak – Hanna Lindon has written a good piece for The Great Outdoors answering key questions walkers are likely to have.

COVID 19 – What Does it Mean for the Outdoors? – this piece from Dan Bailey at UKHillwalking is excellent.

Should you go climbing outdoors and hill walking? – the BMC’s position statement.

Advice on hill-walking, mountaineering, skiing and climbing – Mountaineering Scotland’s position statement.

Coronavirus Update from Scottish Mountain Rescue – Scottish Mountain Rescue’s position statement.

Coronavirus and Walking – a useful summary from Walks Around Britain.

Coronavirus: impact on the outdoor community

“We feel like we have no control and no support”: how COVID-19 is affecting walkers and the outdoors industry – another superb digital piece from Hanna Lindon, who has spoken to several outdoor enthusiasts and professionals to learn how the pandemic is affecting them.

Is It Right to Start Your Thru-Hike During the Coronavirus Outbreak? – ‘Yes, the thought of postponing or canceling this year’s thru-hike is soul-crushing. But while a thru-hike is a life-changing experience, it’s not necessary.’

Backpacking during the pandemic? Is that a good idea? – Phil Werner at Section Hiker has compiled a summary of some of the practical and moral issues to consider.

COVID-19: Time to Cancel Your Thru-hike? (yeah, probably) – ‘Honestly, you should be operating under the assumption that your 2020 thru-hike is canceled.’

A question of shared responsibility – ‘I’ve seen a lot of online shaming towards thru hikers who are currently out there. I’m not sure it’s the right attitude to adopt.’

The Pandemic Comes to Bishop: A Small Climbing Community Struggles Beneath the Weight of COVID-19 – ‘Please go home and hunker down. It’s two to four weeks; we can handle that. Let this little, wild community thrive and have a fighting chance.’

Coronavirus and hiking the Cape Wrath Trail – Andy Wasley has made the difficult decision to call off his 2020 CWT.

Himalaya: Climbers, Sherpas Grapple With Closure – ‘Although this is a first world problem, as Kilian Jornet points out, the decision will also have crushing economic consequences for ordinary Nepalis.’

The Great Outdoors Challenge cancelled for 2020 – this one hits me personally. This year was to have been my first Challenge.

Readers can now support my writing by making a one-off donation via my tip jar. Your spare change helps keep me going on the trail!


Alex Roddie

Happiest on a mountain. Writer, story-wrangler, digital and film photographer. Editor of Sidetracked magazine (I make the words come out good).


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