I am an outdoor and nature writer, editorial professional, and photographer.

My work is all about the stories that matter: wildness, adventure, the environment, and our place in the world. My writing has been published internationally in many magazines and books, and as an editorial professional I work with a wide range of authors, publishers, and copywriters. I am also a widely published outdoor and adventure photographer.Contact me

My latest book
In February 2019, award-winning writer Alex Roddie left his online life behind when he set out to walk 300 miles through the Scottish Highlands, seeking solitude and answers. In leaving the chaos of the internet behind for a month, he hoped to learn how it was truly affecting him – or if he should look elsewhere for the causes of his anxiety.
The Farthest Shore is the story of Alex’s solo trek along the remote Cape Wrath Trail. As he journeyed through a vanishing winter, Alex found answers to his questions, learnt the nature of true silence, and discovered frightening evidence of the threats faced by Scotland’s wild mountain landscape.
Order with Vertebrate Publishing for 20% off, or ask at your local bookshopBuy here

Latest blog posts
- Attitudes and Altitude: a new Sidetracked project, and a journey across the Alps2022-07-09
- Twenty years as a writer: a first look at The Farthest Shore2021-08-21
- An extract from The Farthest Shore →2021-08-21
- A Highland book launch for The Farthest Shore2021-08-16
- Recent radio and podcast appearances2021-07-24
- The End of Winter: hiking the Cape Wrath Trail in February 20192021-08-04
- The Meaning of Adventure: Hiking the Haute Route Pyrenees2021-07-11
- GPS watches: 8 of the best reviewed →2021-07-04
- Outdoor and adventure photography tips →2021-06-27
- Why the countryside might be in a better state than you think →2021-06-26
Some of my best online writing

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